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If you haven't registered yet, you can sign up today. It'll only take a few minutes, and all you need is a working email address.

Once you've activated your account, you can log in here to gain access to My ShrunkLinks - a control panel which lists all the links you've shrunk, and gives you basic usage statistics.

Quick Help

I can't log in!

First, check that you're trying to sign in using the correct email address and password. If you're not sure if your password is right, you may wish to check the information below regarding forgotten passwords. If you still can't log in, and we'll try to help you.

I've forgotten my password!

For security reasons, we don't store your password in a readable format. If you've forgotten your password, all is not lost though - visit the password reset page and enter your email address, and we'll email you a link you can use to set yourself a new password.